

We admit children

  • transferred to us from inpatient healthcare settings (where children received intensive care and provided that their vital functions of the body were stabilized);
  • referred to us by local outpatient clinics;
  • who underwent outpatient after-care;
  • who underwent outpatient treatment, but did not stay in hospitals.


for the admission of children to Kosmos Regional Children’s Center for Medical Rehabilitation

  1. Bronchial asthma: severe, moderate persistent asthma, remission. FC 2.
  2. Bronchial asthma: mild intermittent, remission. FC 1.
  3. Pneumonia, convalescence period.
  4. Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis or any other chronic obstructive lung disease) with frequent relapse (more than 3 times per year). FC 2.
  5. Congenital abnormalities of the lungs, trachea and bronchi. FC 1,2.
  6. Chronic laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, remission.
  7. Vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, remission.
  8. Reconstruction surgery for the congenital abnormalities of the circulatory system. FC 2,3.
  9. Chronic rheumatic diseases of the cardiac valve system. FC 2,3.
  10. Consequences of non-rheumatic diseases of the cardiac valve system and cardiac muscles (endocarditis, myocarditis). FC 2,3.
  11. Mitral valve prolapse.
  12. Arterial hypertension.
  13. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and other inflammatory arthropathies, chronic (including slowly progressive) disease, which affects joints and impairs functions (with frequent relapses). FC 2,3.
  14. Juvenile scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). FC 2,3.
  15. Somatoform dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system (NCA – neurocirculatory asthenia).
  16. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, convalescence period. FC 0,1.
  17. Acute infectious interstitial nephritis, convalescence period. FC 0,1.
  18. Acute pyelonephritis, convalescence period. FC 0,1.
  19. Non-obctructive chronic pyelonephritis associated with reflux. FC 0,1.
  20. Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis: pyelonephritis (chronic) associated with abnormalities of the ureteropelvic junction or renal pelvis. FC 0,1.
  21. Chronic glomerular diseases (chronic nephritic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, genetic nephropathy). FC 2.
  22. Congenital abnormalities of the urinary system, long period of rehabilitation after reconstructive operations. FC 2,3.
  23. Pectus excavatum, long rehabilitation after reconstructive surgery.
  24. Scoliosis. FC 2,3.
  25. Osteochondropathy of vertebrae apophysis (Scheuermann’s disease).
  26. Consequences of injuries of the upper and lower extremities after surgery for, ununited fractures, false joints or congenital abnormalities.
  27. Diseases of hip joints diseases (dysplasia, congenital dislocated hip, long period of rehabilitation after surgery).
  28. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (non-surgical step-by-step treatment, post-surgery rehabilitation).
  29. Congenital feet pathology (non-surgical step-by-step treatment, post-surgery rehabilitation).
  30. Mild ICP (infantile cerebral paralysis) (post-surgery rehabilitation and treatment)

Note: the patients with orthopedic disorders and traumas shall provide the referral from their trauma and orthopedic surgeon.


for the admission of children to Kosmos Regional Children’s Center for Medical Rehabilitation

  1. Any acute disease.
  2. Acute condition or a severe disease.
  3. Infectious or parasitic diseases (until recovery or during the isolation period).
  4. Contact with a contagious patient (during the isolation period)
  5. Tuberculosis of the lungs or other organs.
  6. Diseases of the respiratory system accompanied by respiratory failure.
  7. Diseases of the circulatory system accompanied by cardiac failure.
  8. Rheumatism, infective endocarditis, active myocarditis.
  9. Arrhythmia.
  10. Malignant hypertension.
  11. Diseases in a decompensation stage.
  12. Seizures and seizure equivalents.
  13. Strong intellectual and mental disorder.
  14. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system accompanied by limited physical mobility, self care.
  15. Post-surgery conditions (first 3 months after surgery).
  16. Drug addictions.